Work at Home Business: Goal Setting and DMO

by Bob Storrs

How to set goals for your home based business to maximize your chances of success. Why it is important to have a DMO or Daily Method of Operation.

Now that you've decided to start a Work at Home business whether it's a network marketing business or an online internet business the first thing you need to do is to figure out what you want to accomplish in your business. For most people the reason they want to start a home based business is to earn extra income or perhaps to quit their job. Whatever it is you need a plan to make it happen.

If you are going on a trip and call your travel agency they are going to ask you where you want to go and when you want to arrive. Only when you have that information can you plan your journey.

The same reasoning applies to your business. Your destination is the amount of money you want to make but it's equally as important to know WHEN you want to accomplish this. For example, you might say you would like to make an extra $2000 per month but you can't just leave it at that. You have to put a time limit on it. So you would say I want to make $2000 per month by the 31st of December of this year. This creates a fixed point that you can focus on just like a beacon. It is an amazing truth that when people have goal with a time limit the chances of reaching that goal are dramatically increased.

One caution you must take in setting your goal is that it must be something reasonable to reach. If it's too far out of sight and you fail to attain it you may become frustrated and give up. But even if you fail to reach your goal and get only half way there you'll be that much further

along than if you didn't set your goal in the first place. You can always reset your goal with the confidence that what you've done so far has been successful and by just keeping on doing what you've been doing will get you where want to be.

Now when you have established your goal and the time frame for when you want to reach it, your next step, and this is very important, is you must write it down and put it where you can see it many times a day. This could be in your office, on the refrigerator, in the bathroom or in your car. You want this goal to be impressed on your subconscious mind as much as possible. The reason this is so important is that your subconscious mind is like a computer. It will do whatever you tell it to do. It is an uncanny fact that when your subconscious mind believes, for example, that you will make $2000 per month by the end of the year things come together to make this a reality even when you don't know how it's going to happen.

Now there's one other ingredient in this formula that goes along with a written goal and that's WORK. Yup, it's true, the only time SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary. This is where something called a DMO or Daily Method of Operation comes into play. Your DMO consists of all those tasks that you must do on a daily basis if you're going to realize your goal. Your exact tasks, of course, will depend on the nature of your business, but it could be the number of calls you make to prospective customers or ads you place to drive traffic to your website or maybe write articles like this one.

Along with your daily tasks you should keep a written log of your activity and the results so you know what works and what needs to be changed. If you don't do this you won't know what needs to be tweaked.

Remember that just like an airplane flying from point A to point B there are course adjustments along the way. Your business will need adjustments and fine tuning as you progress toward your goal.

Goal setting and developing a plan of action have been proven to work over and over in building a successful business. You can have any success you desire by starting with these basic fundamentals and putting them into ACTION.

I wish you success in your business endeavors.

Your thought of the day . . . . . . .

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes."

~Marcel Proust

About the Author

Over the past 13 years Bob Storrs has built a successful network marketing business that spans the US and 8 foreign countries. He also uses the internet to market these products and is an affiliate for others. Get the free report for hundreds of home business tips and tricks at

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